The ability to vote and carry a gun is the right of every citizen, but those rights can be taken away if you commit a crime. Use this form to apply for your rights to be restored.

For a flat fee, we can fill them out for you.*

Fill out our form online and make your payment on our website OR you can Book an Appointment now to meet in person or virtually. 

*ALL fees and costs are subject to change without prior notice. All fees and costs quoted assume that the opposing party will sign an Acceptance of Service document. If the opposing party will not sign voluntarily then service of process fees will apply as follows: Acceptance of Service $0, Publication $125, Process Server $150.

Restore Civil Rights & Gun Rights Form


One case per form. If you have other cases against you, fill out a form for each case.
Exact Date Required

State Conviction

Federal Conviction

Victim Restitution And Prior Court Ordered Monetary Obligations

Prior Restoration of Rights

Pending Cases

Restoration of Firearm Rights

Other Information For the Court

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.


I understand that even if I am granted the right to possess and carry a firearm pursuant to this application I may still be prohibited from possessing and carrying a firearm under other state or federal laws. I understand that this application may be denied if information in this application is found to be inaccurate. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this application is true and correct.
Clear Signature
Price: $400.00
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